Wednesday, December 24, 2008

September 28th, 2008


Sometimes what you want and whats right isn't always the same thing...
Think hard back to when you were a child. Think about when you really, really wanted something to change but you knew it was the wrong thing to do.

Sometimes, things can happen that will ruin everything in every path of life. It can either be small or big but its still something that will affect you for the rest of your life..

(Not a day goes by that I think about the way things used to be and wonder what would have happened if things were as they were back then.)

Although, I do know that things will never be the same.

It can't hurt me to remember, can it?

Memories are what kill me. Each and every day.
(Nobody can see, except for me)

March 21st, 2008

I Wish..

I Wish...
I Wish love could be everywhere and affect everyone.
I Wish love could show those who hate what the truth about everything is and help them realize that not everything is the way that it seems.
I Wish love could prove that everything happens for a reason.
I Wish love could persuade the feeble-minded beings to think before they act.
I Wish love could create all of the things inequalities couldn’t.
I Wish love could go to those who find it hard in life to remain on top.
I Wish love could make any regrets go away.

I Wish...
I Wish truth could bring out the best in this world-from everyone.
I Wish truth could see what its like to lie. Then maybe truth would be whole.
I Wish truth could make repetitors break their cycle and make a change.
I Wish truth could make people see what its like to be cold and out of breath.
I Wish truth had a face. Then, literally, we could all ’face’ the truth.
I Wish truth was opaque. This would make people believe again.
I Wish truth upon all of us-because all different people from all walks of life still only have one truth.

I Wish...
I Wish peace could settle the hearts of young ones.
I Wish peace could be its own army. Instead, we have to work for peace.
I Wish peace was to those who have anger in their hearts-to help subside the feeling of remorse.
I Wish peace could grow arms and legs-that way, it could do for itself.
I Wish peace upon all the multi-faceted human beings in this world. Maybe this would make their facets come together as one.
I Wish peace would come whenever we asked.
I Wish peace would embed itself in the souls of all. Therefore, peace would be with us.

I Wish...

I Wish the World upon us all. The fact that this world gets harder and harder everyday makes me afraid for my childrens' futures. It makes people of other generations forget what it used to be like when they were kids. Love, truth, and peace could help embrace the side effects of growing up, creating alternative ways of thought. Though flourishing under any of this would be a change, its likely that nothing will EVER change. Things will get worse-out or proportion. The bind to live everyday, along with love, truth, and peace, would become hindered-creating a black hole of sorts that sweeps away everything we’ve ever know...

Including love...
and peace...

Be careful what you wish for... You just might get it...

February 12th, 2008

Things on my mind...

Things... Things... Things cross my mind-right to left, left to right. All kinds of things. All kinds of thoughts and dreams, and hopes and such that make me happy and sad and whatnot. Life can be boring and exciting, but we will never know until we venture out into our own little journeys and find out for ourselves. People try to warn us on things and sometimes we listen, sometimes we don't. Sometimes we don't know who to believe. Sometimes all hope is lost. Sometimes we have so much confidence... But maybe, just maybe, there is a point in between all of this. Maybe none of us will ever find that point. Therefore, those people cannot warn others on how it feels hr how to get there. Or maybe, just maybe, nobody will ever get there--to Nirvana--To perfect peace...

I've tried so many methods, so many techniques, so many ideas, so many theories, so many truths, so many lies, so many lows and so many highs... Some have had glimpses of perfection in every little corner. Some haven't... The phrase "Life is like a roller-coaster" rings through my brain as if I were kissing a bell. I couldn't count the number of times that I've been in situations where I didn't really know what exactly was going on. Situations where I would've been involved in possibly unspeakable acts that would've ruined so much of what I've been trying to achieve--Total Happiness.

My life has been filled with things that would have made others quit, as well as things that would make people feel spoiled. If I hadn't have had that one person in my life who straightens everything out, I most likely would not be here on this earth. I mean there is a plethora of things I could talk about--Like wondering if I should tell that one person how somebody really feels about them, or mending my relationship with all of my enemies, or hoping everything would just turn out right without hassle, or how much I've appreciated everyone's strength for me as well as how much others have hated me. Its helped me to learn a lot of things that are very helpful in my adventure of life. Its helped me cope and love, pray and wait for better things to appear... Patience is a big key in this game--Making some stronger and some to crumble...

I don't really know how life works but I enjoy learning from the people I love how much life can be cruel and unusual as well as making me wiser...

I can't wait for that day... That day for Nirvana...

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Beginning...

Today is the day that I begin my blog. When I first thought of starting an online blog, I decided to start one mainly so I can express myself through writing. Doing one online allows me to show readers examples of my writing, as well as show others how I express myself through my writing.

The more people I get to read my blogs, to more widely known my writing will become. So please, sit back, relax, and read until your heart is content. Feedback on my writing would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to read my writing.

-Robbie Williford