Friday, May 29, 2009

Giving Thanks

Hello everyone.
I'm writing this blog to show my appreciation, in a way.

Tonight was the Honors Convocation at Flint Southwestern Academy. Everything went very well. Everyone there deserved to be there. We all put in the hard work, and really focused on getting the job done.

The atmosphere was amazing. I could feel it. I could feel everyone's spirits raised and the excitement that was built for the night. Although it will be nothing compared to graduation (June 2nd), it still felt as if it would be a night to remember for the rest of my life. I really enjoyed seeing all of the students, on the verge of becoming young adults and independent. Everyone had smiles on their faces and it seemed as if everyone was happy.

I personally, was very happy; probably the happiest I've been in a while. It felt great. I can go through life knowing that I went to high school (and some even middle school and earlier) with some of the most intelligent, most focused people.

I received my distinguished honors silver cords, as well as a document that went with it that showed my achievement academically. I also received the English Merit Award, which basically dubs me the English student of the year for the 2008/2009 school year, and I received my Geographic Regional scholarship from Oakland University.

The speeches were very well written and performed, the students were recognized well, and the staff should get pats on the back for a job well done.

The supporters were very kind, clapping to every name called, and every award given.

Things just couldn't have gotten any better.

I would like to thank everyone, literally.
Everyone played a role in the awards given out, including myself.
Over these past 6 years at Flint SWA, I've met some of the best people that I could've possibly met. I received guidance from some of the most skilled and gifted teachers. Last but not least, I received one of the best educations around.

Thank you staff, students, friends, parents, and other supporters.

Most of all, I'd like to finally thank and congratulate myself.
I'm the kind of person who'll give the utmost credit to others, and never really appreciate myself in certain situations. Now, while these last few days as a Senior at SWA dwindle down,I'd like to finally give myself a pat on the back.

I can remember when I was a Freshman, and I had no desire to be at school so I slacked off. But I got my mindset straightened out and I focused on my dreams and aspirations. Ever since then I haven't quit on anything. I've worked my butt off, so to speak, and never let down. My determination may have fluctuated at times, but I always made sure that I was focused on my goals.

Now, it's finally time for the younger kids to get some words of wisdom:
If you dare to believe in yourself, you will find the things in you that will materialize and set you off on your correct path.
Never give up.

Thank you for reading.
It's appreciated greatly.

-Robbie Williford
Class of 2009, Flint Southwestern Academy

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Beautiful Sunrises.

I smile.
I smile because, you are no longer the reason for my slumps.
I can live life, and smile knowing that you can smile without me.
I can breathe deeply, without having to stop to let you breathe.
I can believe in myself again, without you telling me I'm wrong.
I can take my steps, without you here to become a stronger person.
I can stumble, and not expect you to be there to pick me up, just like before.
I can fall, and not worry about you being there to catch me.
I can laugh without worrying about making you laugh in unison with me.

I can smile knowing that the smile will be there, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, til death does it part from me.

I can smile for new reasons, for best friends, and for feelings not involving you.

Most of all, I can smile, because I'm not binded by you any longer. I'm not held down from my true potential anymore. I'm not contained by your being.

I'm me.
Robert Francis Williford.

